The Social Media world is a world that changes every day and it’s better to keep up to get the most out of it. Below we share a couple of relevant social media updates on two social media platforms: LinkedIn and Twitter.
From 14th April LinkedIn is going to remove the ‘Products & Services’ tab from the Company pages. They are offering two possible alternatives to spread the word about your product on the online world: company updates (already existing) or showcase pages.
Showcase pages
They allow companies with multiple lines of business or brands to segment them and deliver them to the right audiences.
Let’s use Flint Technology as an example: one of the lines of our business is to produce custom Magento Extensions such as Custom Canonical URLs for SEO or the feefo official extension.
The other line of business it’s to produce eCommerce website solutions for retail businesses. People interested in our Magento Extensions may not be interested in our portfolio so that division will allow companies to share specific content with a specific targeted audience.
See LinkedIn instructions on how to start:
- Identify business areas that need a Showcase Page, as explained before.
- Click the “Edit” menu on your Company Page. Select “Create a Showcase Page”. Check the image on right. It’s really easy to find.
- Now you’re ready to start sharing your content.
For more information check the official LinkedIn page about Showcase Pages.
Image from Introducing a new way to highlight your individual brands. LinkedIn Showcase Pages by LinkedIn Business
Company updates
The Company uses this feature to share company news like product launches, promotions and industry articles. Followers of your Company Page will get updates on their homepage and non-followers will be able to see your Company Updates on the Home tab.
Twitter has made a few changes to their mobile features. From now on you will be able to photo tag, and also a tweet will be able to include up to four photos.
Photo tagging features included tag up to 10 people in a photo and people who are tagged will receive a notification.
Image from Photos just got more social by Twitter Blog
Share up multiple photos in one tweet will automatically create a collage which you will be able to preview before tweeting it.
Image from Photos just got more social by Twitter Blog